Posted by: dshlegle | December 10, 2012

January 9th Toastmaster Meeting and Upcoming Contests

Our next meeting is on Wednesday January 9th ,   See the link below to sign up for any open role.


Upcoming Events


During the Wednesday February 6th    meeting, our club will be holding its annual International Speech and Evaluator contest.   I strongly encouraged everyone who is eligible to participate in these contest to sign up today.  For more information see our VP of Education Deborah Darbee

Posted by: dshlegle | November 30, 2012

December 5th Christmas/Holiday Party at Chilis Bar and Grill

“MARLEY was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.”  These immoral words open the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.


With the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future in mind, you are cordially invited to attend the annual Washington Crossing Toastmasters’ Christmas/Holiday Party.  This year, Past, Present And Future members will be invited to join in the festivities.


The party will be held on Wednesday, December 5th at 6:30 PM at Chili’s Bar and Grill, 610 Commerce Road, Fairless Hills PA 19030  (215-943-5555), located near the Oxford Valley Mall, Sesame Place, and Aria Hospital.


This event will include entertainment, a Christmas/Holiday Trivia Contest (with Prizes for winners), Pick-a-Gift Table Topics (details below), great foods and plenty of fellowship.


Everyone attending will have an opportunity to participate in the Pick-a-Gift Table Topics as follows:

1.  Guests bring a wrapped gift

2.  You select a wrapped present,

3.  Open the present (look surprised and grateful), and talk about the gift for 1-2 minutes.

4.  The gift is yours to keep.


Cost for the event is only  $20 per person and a wrapped present for table topics (nothing to expensive, it could be a gag gift, a recycled present, or just something you want to donate to the add to the festivities).  For the price of admission you may order anything off of the menu and a non-alcoholic drink, and shared appetizers.  A cash bar is available. Dress is casual and/or festive.


Join your fellow Toastmasters and Friends at this annual event!  Bring a guest, spouse, friend, or future member … the more the merrier. Please RSVP to Deborah Darbee at or Dave Shlegle at by December 3st.


Looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you on the 5th!


Warm Regards,

Debbie & Dave

Deborah Darbee, VP of Education / Dave Shlegle, President

Washington Crossing Toastmasters Club


Contact Debbie at:

215-499-9715 (c)


Contact Dave at:

862-763-6510 (c)



Posted by: dshlegle | September 15, 2012

November 14th Toastmaster’s (Makeup) Meeting

The November 14th meeting is the rescheduled meeting from November 7th.  There are a few roles remaining.  Signup using the link below

and remember to save the Date for our Annual Christmas/Holiday Party on December 5th.


“MARLEY was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.”  These immoral words open the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.


With the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future in mind, you are cordially invited to attend the annual Washington Crossing Toastmasters’ Christmas/Holiday Party.  This year, Past, Present And Future members will be invited to join in the festivities.


The party will be held on Wednesday, December 5th at 6:30 PM at Chili’s Bar and Grill, 610 Commerce Road, Fairless Hills PA 19030  (215-943-5555), located near the Oxford Valley Mall, Sesame Place, and Aria Hospital.


This event will include entertainment, a Christmas/Holiday Trivia Contest (with Prizes for winners), Pick-a-Gift Table Topics (details below), great foods and plenty of fellowship.


Everyone attending will have an opportunity to participate in the Pick-a-Gift Table Topics as follows:

    1.  Guests bring a wrapped gift

    2.  You select a wrapped present,

    3.  Open the present (look surprised and grateful), and talk about the gift for 1-2 minutes.

    4.  The gift is yours to keep.


Cost for the event is only  $20 per person and a wrapped present for table topics (nothing to expensive, it could be a gag gift, a recycled present, or just something you want to donate to the add to the festivities).  For the price of admission you may order anything off of the menu and a non-alcoholic drink, and shared appetizers.  A cash bar is available. Dress is casual and/or festive.


Join your fellow Toastmasters and Friends at this annual event!  Bring a guest, spouse, friend, or future member … the more the merrier. Please RSVP to Deborah Darbee at or Dave Shlegle at by December 3st.


Looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you on the 5th!


Warm Regards,

Debbie & Dave

Deborah Darbee, VP of Education / Dave Shlegle, President

Washington Crossing Toastmasters Club   


Contact Debbie at:

215-321-9030 (h)

215-499-9715 (c)

609-633-7757 (w)

            Contact Dave at:

609 989-2041 (w)

862-763-6510 (c)


Posted by: dshlegle | August 4, 2012

September 5th, Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contest

Fellow Toastmasters

Our Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests  will be held on  September 5th.   Everyone in our club is eligible to compete (except for the current Division Goverors,   Sorry Richard and Mikey) .

Pat Lechnert will be contest chair.   Please let Pat know (,  what role or contest(s) you are planning on being in/filling.   Also please signup on line

If you have any questions,  pleae let me know.  Dave Shlegle

Posted by: dshlegle | July 21, 2012

August 1, 2012 Toastmaster’s Minutes

Attendees: Deborah Darbee, Richard Falconer, Steve Fraundorfer, Heather, Ketch, Norm Logan, Pat Lehnert, Regina Litman, Gbenga Oladeji, Donna Roberts, Jean Shipos, Dave Shlegle
Guest: Alexis

Summer vacation was the theme of the WCTM monthly meeting, Wednesday, August 1, 2012. If you missed the meeting, you missed going on vacation with Regina Litman to Martha’s Vineyard, staying in Toba, Africa with Gbenga Oladeji for his wedding, and almost missing vacation altogether, like Heather Ketch, when your dad accidentally locks the family out of the house.  Gbenga’s
depiction of his journey gave him Best Table Topic Speaker.

The meeting was called to order by Norm Logan. Division F Governor, Richard Falconer, conducted the installation of officers.
Newly elected and installed officers are:

President David Shlegle
VP of Education Deborah Darbee
VP of Membership Al Lostracco
VP of Public Relations Karen Jones
Treasurer Thaine Shetter
Secretary Jean Shipos
SAA Norm Logan

President Dave Shlegle recognized Jean Shipos for achieving a CC in 2011-2012. Regina Litman gave the word of the day, querulous, which means habitually complaining and/or fretful and whining.

Heather Ketch led everyone through a Yoga relaxation journey in Speech #4 of her CC project, “Breathe In .. Breathe Out”.
Most members agreed that it was difficult re-opening our eyes and coming back to the meeting.

The second speech was given by Norm Logan, “We Are the Dogs”. Speaking from the Advanced Communicator Entertaining Speaker manual, Norm gave a series of gut-wrenching stories about being a child who only wanted to appear in a school play and was never chosen.

The summer vacation theme was addressed by Table Topic Master, Jean Shipos. Table Topic responders were Heather,Gbenga, Regina, and attending guest, Alexis.

General Evaluator Dave Shlegle led the round robins and evaluation team. Evaluating Heather was Donna Roberts; evaluating Norm was immediate past District 38 Governor, Steve Fraundorpher. Other members of the evaluation team included: Grammarian Alexis,
Ah Counter Pat Lehnert, and Timer Richard Falconer. The Best Speaker recongition award was given to Heather and the
Best Evaluator award went to Steve.

The meeting wrapped up at approximately 8:30, with Dave leading the popular “Listen Up” portion of the meeting.

Deborah Darbee announced that the WCTM Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest would be at the next meeting.
A Contest Master and Chief Judge are needed. Deborah also presented the speakers with certificates of recognition for taking a speaking role.

The August Shining Mug Award was given to Deborah Darbee.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. Members are invited to contact Dave to participate in the speech contest and/or to support the contest with an appropriate role.

Fellow Toastmasters

There are a few roles still available for our next Toastmaster’s meeting on Wednesday August 1st.   Please use the link below to signup for a role.

Upcoming Events

Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests on  September 5th.   Everyone in our club is eligible to compete (except the current Division and Area Governors,  Sorry Richard and Mikey)  Signup on line.   We already have two candidates for each contest.   More information to follow:

Celebrate our club’s 60th  Anniversary, Details to Follow

Posted by: dshlegle | December 24, 2011

July 11, 2012, Toastmaster’s Meeting Minutes

Thank you Debbie McKee (acting Secretary) for the wonderful minutes:


Club #1100


July 11, 2012

Meeting attendees:  Dave Shlegle, Pat Lenert, Norm Logan, Debbie McKee, Deborah Darbee, Richard Falconer, Karen Jones, Al Lostracco, Heather Ketch, Thaine Shetter, Meg Fosco, Louie

Guests:        Kristina Egger  Our Area Governor

Meeting called to order by SAA at 7:05 pm – Norm Logan

President’s Remarks

Debbie Darbee held election of officers.  There was no nomination for a Treasurer so Debbie asked for nominations from the floor.  Thaine Shetter was nominated.  There was one person for each position so the election was unanimous for the slate as it stood.

2012-2013 Officer are:

President – David Shlegle

VP of Education – Deborah Darbee

VP of Membership – Al Lostracco

VP of Public Relations – Karen Jones

Treasurer – Thaine Shetter

Secretary – Jean Shipos

SAA – Norm Logan

The outgoing officers were thanked and given certificates.  Dave Shlegle presented Debbie Darbee with a nice acrylic gavel as a thank you gift for her contribution as President.

A new wooden gavel was purchased for WCTM club so we no longer need to borrow Lower Bucks TM’s gavel.

Dave presented ribbons to Richard Falconer to hang on our flag that said “Home of Division Governor.”

Dave presented gifts (mugs) to the members who helped take WCTM to Select Distinguished by earning Educational Awards

Norm Logan – CC

Jean Shipos – CC  (not present)

Heather Ketch – CL

David Shlegle – CL and ALB

Each of the mugs had the phase Illegitimi non carborundum  printed on them.  This is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning “Don’t let the bastards grind you down”.

We are now adding themes to the agenda for each meeting to be decided upon by the Toastmaster for the day.  We have the room until 9:00 pm so there is no need to rush through the meeting in order to leave by 8:30 pm.

There was a vote to have the round robin evaluations facilitated by the General Evaluator immediately following the individual evaluation.

The meeting began with an introduction of the Timer – Pat Lehnart

Dave Shlegle was Toastmaster.

Joke of the Day – Norm Logan

Wordmaster – Al Lostracco introduced the word of the day – Fulcrum

3 people used the word of the day – Debbie McKee, ? ?

Table Topics – Meg Fosco – Each member answered a different question:  Debbie McKee, Kristina Egger, Richard Falconer, Louie (guest), and Al Lostracco.  A minute was set aside to vote on Best Table Topics Speaker.

Timer Report on TT Speakers by Pat.

Speakers –   Heather Ketch – CC #8 Visual Aids – “A Lucky Day”

Karen Jones – CC Ice Breaker – “My Ordinary Life with Moments of


Timer report on Speakers by Pat

General Evaluator:  Richard Falconer

Evaluators:  Thaine Shetter for Heather & Debbie Darbee for Karen

Voted for Best Speaker   Karen Jones

Best Table Topic  Richard Falconer

Best Evaluation   Thaine Shetter

Grammarian/Ah Counter report – Al Lostracco

Timer Report – Pat

Richard gave his comments about the meeting and turned the meeting back over to Dave Shlegle.

Dave asked the Listen Up questions

Also new this year,  At each meeting one member  will be awarded the Shining Mug Award  (Yes an actually mug, they get to keep).   This is awarded to the member that performed their role the best during the meeting.  Last meeting winner Karen Jones

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fellow Toastmasters

There are a few roles still available for our next Toastmaster’s meeting on Wednesday July 11th.   Please use the link below to signup for a role.

Posted by: dshlegle | October 29, 2011

November 2nd Meeting & December 7th Christmas/Holiday Party

Fellow Toastmasters

There are a few roles left for the November 2nd meeting.   Please use the link below to signup for a role.   (Please note we are returning to the old agenda signup for the November and December meetings)  In January there will be a new and improved signup method.

Also  it is time to mark your calendar for our Annual Christmas/Holiday Party on December 7th.   It will be located at Chili’s in Langhorne again in the Sun Room.   Everyone will be participating in the Pick a Gift table topics,   Christmas/Holiday Trivial and of course entertainment and a lot of fun and fellowship.     Please signup for the party using the online agenda.   Guests and friends are welcome to attend.    More Details to follow

 We will be holding our Annual Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests at the Wednesday September 7th meeting.   We already have numerous members signed up for each of these contest,  but the more the merrier, Everyone is welcome to participate. Use the link below to signup

Meg Fosco will be serving as our Chief Judge and Deborah Darbee the Contest Chair. If you would like to volunteer to help with the contests or have any questions, please let Meg or Deborah know.

This will also be an open house meeting to recruit additional members,  please invite your friends to  join us.

Please note during the September meeting all of the roles will be contest related.

Lastly, dues for next term (starting October 1),  will be collected.   Details to follow



Posted by: dshlegle | August 5, 2011

August 3rd Meeting Summary

Attended by:  Deborah Darbee, President; David Shlegle, VP of Education; Regina Litman, VP of Membership; Jean Ships, VP of Public Relations; Norm Logan, Sergeant at Arms;

Richard Falconer, Meg Fosco and Division F Governor, Thaine Shetter.


Special guest , Gbenga  attended and participated as our word master and in Table Topics

Many thanks to Norm Logan, SAA, whose one liners always start the meeting off with a chuckle.

President Deborah Darbee opened the business meeting by reviewing the Club’s goals for President’s Distinguished and asking for member commitments to help achieve

those goals.  Regina Litman committed to completing a CL and possibly and ALS.  Jean Shipos agreed to complete a CC.  Deborah also reminded everyone to bring

their Competent Leader books to every meeting in order to be awarded credits for meeting participation.

The Club Contest will be on Wednesday, September 7.  Members interested in competing should contact Deborah Darbee or Dave Shlegle.

The Toastmaster was Richard Falconer.  Deborah Darbee took on multiple roles as timer, grammarian and ah counter.

Norm Logan conducted table topics.  Norm asked members to test their knowledge of history.  Each person reached into Norm’s paper goody bag and

pulled out a name written in history.  The following list shows the table topic speaker and the historic reference about which he/she was to speak.

Toastmaster Historic Name
Dave Babe Ruth
Meg Arnold Schwarzenegger
Richard Bill Clinton
Regina Thomas Edison
Guest George Washington
Thaine Sam Mudd
Debra Joe Lewis

David gave speech #9 from the Advanced “Speeches by Management” manual. His speech, “I Hope I Die Before I Get Old”, was a unique

approach to our country’s Social Security challenges.  Dave’s speech was evaluated by Regina Litman.

Thaine Shetter completed project #6, Vocal Variety, from the CC manual.  His speech, “You Want Me to Do What?” was a humorous

Glimpse at a unique sky-diving experience.  Meg Fosco evaluated Thaine’s speech.

Regina Litman stepped in at the last minute to deliver her humorous speech, “Strawbidges Forever”, a tongue in cheek recollection of

every ting Philly, yo, yo, yo.   Jean Shipos evaluated Regina’s speech.

Richard took on double duty as the General Evaluator and called for evaluations and other reports.

The meeting closed with the “Listen Up!” awards as conducted by Dave.

The next meeting, Open House, and Club Contest will be on September 7.

Posted by: dshlegle | June 5, 2011

July 6, 2011 Meeting and Elections

We will be holding club officers elections at the July meeting.   If you can not attend this meeting,  you will be able to vote via email.    The candidates are listed below,  but it is not to late to join the race.    If you are interested in being a club officers for any of the roles,  please let Cathy or Dave know.
President:   Reginia Litman
VP of Education
VP of Membership

VP of Public Relations:   Jean Shipos

Secretary:  Debbie McKee

SAA:    Norm Logan

There are plenty of role available for our May 4th meeting.   Please sign up today.

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