Posted by: dshlegle | July 21, 2012

August 1, 2012 Toastmaster’s Minutes

Attendees: Deborah Darbee, Richard Falconer, Steve Fraundorfer, Heather, Ketch, Norm Logan, Pat Lehnert, Regina Litman, Gbenga Oladeji, Donna Roberts, Jean Shipos, Dave Shlegle
Guest: Alexis

Summer vacation was the theme of the WCTM monthly meeting, Wednesday, August 1, 2012. If you missed the meeting, you missed going on vacation with Regina Litman to Martha’s Vineyard, staying in Toba, Africa with Gbenga Oladeji for his wedding, and almost missing vacation altogether, like Heather Ketch, when your dad accidentally locks the family out of the house.  Gbenga’s
depiction of his journey gave him Best Table Topic Speaker.

The meeting was called to order by Norm Logan. Division F Governor, Richard Falconer, conducted the installation of officers.
Newly elected and installed officers are:

President David Shlegle
VP of Education Deborah Darbee
VP of Membership Al Lostracco
VP of Public Relations Karen Jones
Treasurer Thaine Shetter
Secretary Jean Shipos
SAA Norm Logan

President Dave Shlegle recognized Jean Shipos for achieving a CC in 2011-2012. Regina Litman gave the word of the day, querulous, which means habitually complaining and/or fretful and whining.

Heather Ketch led everyone through a Yoga relaxation journey in Speech #4 of her CC project, “Breathe In .. Breathe Out”.
Most members agreed that it was difficult re-opening our eyes and coming back to the meeting.

The second speech was given by Norm Logan, “We Are the Dogs”. Speaking from the Advanced Communicator Entertaining Speaker manual, Norm gave a series of gut-wrenching stories about being a child who only wanted to appear in a school play and was never chosen.

The summer vacation theme was addressed by Table Topic Master, Jean Shipos. Table Topic responders were Heather,Gbenga, Regina, and attending guest, Alexis.

General Evaluator Dave Shlegle led the round robins and evaluation team. Evaluating Heather was Donna Roberts; evaluating Norm was immediate past District 38 Governor, Steve Fraundorpher. Other members of the evaluation team included: Grammarian Alexis,
Ah Counter Pat Lehnert, and Timer Richard Falconer. The Best Speaker recongition award was given to Heather and the
Best Evaluator award went to Steve.

The meeting wrapped up at approximately 8:30, with Dave leading the popular “Listen Up” portion of the meeting.

Deborah Darbee announced that the WCTM Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest would be at the next meeting.
A Contest Master and Chief Judge are needed. Deborah also presented the speakers with certificates of recognition for taking a speaking role.

The August Shining Mug Award was given to Deborah Darbee.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. Members are invited to contact Dave to participate in the speech contest and/or to support the contest with an appropriate role.

Fellow Toastmasters

There are a few roles still available for our next Toastmaster’s meeting on Wednesday August 1st.   Please use the link below to signup for a role.

Upcoming Events

Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests on  September 5th.   Everyone in our club is eligible to compete (except the current Division and Area Governors,  Sorry Richard and Mikey)  Signup on line.   We already have two candidates for each contest.   More information to follow:

Celebrate our club’s 60th  Anniversary, Details to Follow

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