Posted by: dshlegle | December 24, 2011

July 11, 2012, Toastmaster’s Meeting Minutes

Thank you Debbie McKee (acting Secretary) for the wonderful minutes:


Club #1100


July 11, 2012

Meeting attendees:  Dave Shlegle, Pat Lenert, Norm Logan, Debbie McKee, Deborah Darbee, Richard Falconer, Karen Jones, Al Lostracco, Heather Ketch, Thaine Shetter, Meg Fosco, Louie

Guests:        Kristina Egger  Our Area Governor

Meeting called to order by SAA at 7:05 pm – Norm Logan

President’s Remarks

Debbie Darbee held election of officers.  There was no nomination for a Treasurer so Debbie asked for nominations from the floor.  Thaine Shetter was nominated.  There was one person for each position so the election was unanimous for the slate as it stood.

2012-2013 Officer are:

President – David Shlegle

VP of Education – Deborah Darbee

VP of Membership – Al Lostracco

VP of Public Relations – Karen Jones

Treasurer – Thaine Shetter

Secretary – Jean Shipos

SAA – Norm Logan

The outgoing officers were thanked and given certificates.  Dave Shlegle presented Debbie Darbee with a nice acrylic gavel as a thank you gift for her contribution as President.

A new wooden gavel was purchased for WCTM club so we no longer need to borrow Lower Bucks TM’s gavel.

Dave presented ribbons to Richard Falconer to hang on our flag that said “Home of Division Governor.”

Dave presented gifts (mugs) to the members who helped take WCTM to Select Distinguished by earning Educational Awards

Norm Logan – CC

Jean Shipos – CC  (not present)

Heather Ketch – CL

David Shlegle – CL and ALB

Each of the mugs had the phase Illegitimi non carborundum  printed on them.  This is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning “Don’t let the bastards grind you down”.

We are now adding themes to the agenda for each meeting to be decided upon by the Toastmaster for the day.  We have the room until 9:00 pm so there is no need to rush through the meeting in order to leave by 8:30 pm.

There was a vote to have the round robin evaluations facilitated by the General Evaluator immediately following the individual evaluation.

The meeting began with an introduction of the Timer – Pat Lehnart

Dave Shlegle was Toastmaster.

Joke of the Day – Norm Logan

Wordmaster – Al Lostracco introduced the word of the day – Fulcrum

3 people used the word of the day – Debbie McKee, ? ?

Table Topics – Meg Fosco – Each member answered a different question:  Debbie McKee, Kristina Egger, Richard Falconer, Louie (guest), and Al Lostracco.  A minute was set aside to vote on Best Table Topics Speaker.

Timer Report on TT Speakers by Pat.

Speakers –   Heather Ketch – CC #8 Visual Aids – “A Lucky Day”

Karen Jones – CC Ice Breaker – “My Ordinary Life with Moments of


Timer report on Speakers by Pat

General Evaluator:  Richard Falconer

Evaluators:  Thaine Shetter for Heather & Debbie Darbee for Karen

Voted for Best Speaker   Karen Jones

Best Table Topic  Richard Falconer

Best Evaluation   Thaine Shetter

Grammarian/Ah Counter report – Al Lostracco

Timer Report – Pat

Richard gave his comments about the meeting and turned the meeting back over to Dave Shlegle.

Dave asked the Listen Up questions

Also new this year,  At each meeting one member  will be awarded the Shining Mug Award  (Yes an actually mug, they get to keep).   This is awarded to the member that performed their role the best during the meeting.  Last meeting winner Karen Jones

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fellow Toastmasters

There are a few roles still available for our next Toastmaster’s meeting on Wednesday July 11th.   Please use the link below to signup for a role.

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