Posted by: dshlegle | October 29, 2011

November 2nd Meeting & December 7th Christmas/Holiday Party

Fellow Toastmasters

There are a few roles left for the November 2nd meeting.   Please use the link below to signup for a role.   (Please note we are returning to the old agenda signup for the November and December meetings)  In January there will be a new and improved signup method.

Also  it is time to mark your calendar for our Annual Christmas/Holiday Party on December 7th.   It will be located at Chili’s in Langhorne again in the Sun Room.   Everyone will be participating in the Pick a Gift table topics,   Christmas/Holiday Trivial and of course entertainment and a lot of fun and fellowship.     Please signup for the party using the online agenda.   Guests and friends are welcome to attend.    More Details to follow

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