Posted by: dshlegle | August 6, 2011

September 7th, Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests/Open House

 We will be holding our Annual Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests at the Wednesday September 7th meeting.   We already have numerous members signed up for each of these contest,  but the more the merrier, Everyone is welcome to participate. Use the link below to signup

Meg Fosco will be serving as our Chief Judge and Deborah Darbee the Contest Chair. If you would like to volunteer to help with the contests or have any questions, please let Meg or Deborah know.

This will also be an open house meeting to recruit additional members,  please invite your friends to  join us.

Please note during the September meeting all of the roles will be contest related.

Lastly, dues for next term (starting October 1),  will be collected.   Details to follow



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