Posted by: dshlegle | August 5, 2011

August 3rd Meeting Summary

Attended by:  Deborah Darbee, President; David Shlegle, VP of Education; Regina Litman, VP of Membership; Jean Ships, VP of Public Relations; Norm Logan, Sergeant at Arms;

Richard Falconer, Meg Fosco and Division F Governor, Thaine Shetter.


Special guest , Gbenga  attended and participated as our word master and in Table Topics

Many thanks to Norm Logan, SAA, whose one liners always start the meeting off with a chuckle.

President Deborah Darbee opened the business meeting by reviewing the Club’s goals for President’s Distinguished and asking for member commitments to help achieve

those goals.  Regina Litman committed to completing a CL and possibly and ALS.  Jean Shipos agreed to complete a CC.  Deborah also reminded everyone to bring

their Competent Leader books to every meeting in order to be awarded credits for meeting participation.

The Club Contest will be on Wednesday, September 7.  Members interested in competing should contact Deborah Darbee or Dave Shlegle.

The Toastmaster was Richard Falconer.  Deborah Darbee took on multiple roles as timer, grammarian and ah counter.

Norm Logan conducted table topics.  Norm asked members to test their knowledge of history.  Each person reached into Norm’s paper goody bag and

pulled out a name written in history.  The following list shows the table topic speaker and the historic reference about which he/she was to speak.

Toastmaster Historic Name
Dave Babe Ruth
Meg Arnold Schwarzenegger
Richard Bill Clinton
Regina Thomas Edison
Guest George Washington
Thaine Sam Mudd
Debra Joe Lewis

David gave speech #9 from the Advanced “Speeches by Management” manual. His speech, “I Hope I Die Before I Get Old”, was a unique

approach to our country’s Social Security challenges.  Dave’s speech was evaluated by Regina Litman.

Thaine Shetter completed project #6, Vocal Variety, from the CC manual.  His speech, “You Want Me to Do What?” was a humorous

Glimpse at a unique sky-diving experience.  Meg Fosco evaluated Thaine’s speech.

Regina Litman stepped in at the last minute to deliver her humorous speech, “Strawbidges Forever”, a tongue in cheek recollection of

every ting Philly, yo, yo, yo.   Jean Shipos evaluated Regina’s speech.

Richard took on double duty as the General Evaluator and called for evaluations and other reports.

The meeting closed with the “Listen Up!” awards as conducted by Dave.

The next meeting, Open House, and Club Contest will be on September 7.

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